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Matnas Michoel provides Bar Mitzvah boys in need with Tefillin, clothing, and support, ensuring they celebrate their special day with dignity and joy.

The Bar Mitzvah gift

of a lifetime!

Have you ever seen that special smile of a bar mitzvah bachur putting on tefillin for the first time?
The excitement! You can see the joy radiating.
Many times though, for a young boy this only seems like an impossible dream.
You probably know Yossi and his family.
You think they’re barely keeping things together.
You’re right.
Yossi overheard his mother and father whispering.

“I don’t know what we’re going to do. We simply don’t have $2500 for a pair of tefillin for Yossi.”
Can you imagine what must be going through Yossi’s scared heart?
“No tefillin!? Probably no suit. Maybe I’ll get my father’s old hat.”

He begins to feel the shame.
And it burns… through his heart.
But you can make a life changing difference for Yossi and so many more like him.
You can literally be a lifesaving link for many needy families from our very own shuls, schools and neighborhoods and at the same time bring a wonderful Aliyas Neshama to our son, Michoel ע"ה. You have a zchus of unimaginable proportions.

Unfortunately, over the past year, this challenge has become a reality for more boys and their families than we’ve ever seen. We have been flooded with requests for help, and it is extremely painful for us when we must tell our callers that we are unable to help them due to lack of funds.
You can change that.
You were there all the years to help create the joy for these bar Mitzvah boys and bring a wonderful Aliyas Neshama to Michoel ע"ה, a zchus of unimaginable proportions.
Your care and warmth have been the moral support and encouragement for so many Bar Mitzvah boys and their families, aiding and propelling a boy to a bright future.
Can we count on you again this year?
Allowing Matnas Michoel Bar Mitzvah Boys to celebrate with confidence and pride alleviates the parents’ anxiety and embarrassment of their financial worries.

Will you be their hero?
Your compassion and concern is often met with copious tears of relief as we present each Bar Mitzvah Boy with his beautiful new tefillin and clothing.
The response we receive enforces the knowledge of this organization’s vital need, one that is
simply not being done by any organization.

Sponsor $5,000 for the “Malbushei Kovod” Full Bar Mitzvah Package.
Sponsor $3,000 for the “Kesher Tefilin” Package.

May the zechus of Matnas Michoel be a blessing to celebrate many simchos together א"יה ,בקרוב.
With much appreciation and best wishes,

Yanky and Ella Adler

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© 2025 Matnas Michoel

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